Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2010 in Review... September


Matthew turned 1 and was baptized this month. What a blessing to celebrate his sweet little life with so many who love him. I made a Tootles cake, which is a character from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I spent an afternoon taking photos and eating yummy food with Ka'Shira, Bella and Avah at the Wilmington Corn Festival. Also learned about a particular type of engine there with my dad. The "One Love" walk fundraiser for CSI Jamaica and Project RAISE brought another visit with Lisa Lockwood in Waynesville. I met her daughter Laurel that day, and quite a few board members for CSI I'd only before known by name. Mom joined me, and was able to meet a number of people that day, too. For Derek's birthday I made a turntable cake... and gave him a fake rubber heart. Hence the murderous photo. I think it was a success.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Allie Bee,
    I just posted something on my blog and was surprised to find a new follower - you! Welcome and thank you for following!
    Have we met? If not, mind if I ask how you found my blog? I'm always so curious!
    Will have to look thru your blog, but right now, it's half midnight!
    Blessings, Laura
