Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tough day... but I'm a tough girl.

I used to have a pair of socks with a 40s pin-up on them. They were turquoise and said "Tough Girl" - and they made me feel a little bit stronger. I wore them in college on tough test days - and I think they really helped. I'm down to one now, as a friend was once in need of some "toughness" - but I might put my remaining single sock on today.

Since I don't have it with me I'm going to list some "glads" for good measure. My friend Nina and I would call this a "Thank You Poem"... so Nina, here you go. Our first blogged (and long overdue) poem.

1. Patient friends

2. hair long enough for a decent ponytail

3. red carpet and limosine clip art for my customer service board!

4. hair braids

5. peanut butter cereal

6. color changing pencils made out of recycled money

7. secret friend fix-ups!

8. my lovely vase of bargain flowers from yesterday!

9. the tennis shoes I will soon put on

10. cleaned out cars

11. 80s soft rock

12. doors

13. that there isn't always a drill being operated outside of my office

14. Friday comes tomorrow!

15. PURPLE lilacs

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I have flowers on my desk.
Why? I bought them for myself.
It’s my half birthday – and I might be the only person I know that celebrates such an occasion. I wanted to bring treats for my coworkers, but decided that I like grilled cheese better than cupcakes…. so guess what? Chocolate milk for a breakfast treat, then grilled cheese and diet coke for our office suite lunch! We have a sandwich maker – so we shall have quite the time making lunch together. They might all think I’m a little nuts, but after they learned that they benefit from my “celebrate me” day they got a little more excited.
Honestly - it's just kind of a crazy week and I needed something fun. If I hadn't passed out on the couch last night I would have made crafty party favors, too I think. Get ready friends... I think this year for my actual birthday the bouncy house might really need to happen!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Now I have a blog...

I've tossed around the idea of a blog for a while. I read so many of them everyday so maybe that is why I haven't tried until now. I am entertained by so many and I couldn't possibly have that many interesting things to say. I generally have a running commentary going on in my head that a very limited number of people are privvy to. Perhaps I will open up that window for now. And away we go...