Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To Do Tuesday

  • I've had several chess lessons now, and while I've still not played an actual game of chess, the lessons I've recieved are valuable. Don (coworker) is the most patient teacher ever... I'll photograph our next session. He plans our lessons in advance, and makes incredibly efficient use of our time. Also I'm learning that chess is a great metaphor for my life right now - there are lots of factors, I have varying levels of control over each, and things are constantly changing. I'm sure there are more lessons - but that's a post for another day!
  • I'm been sewing something weekly - generally hair things, baby gifts, etc. I need to start using up fabric so I don't have to pack it all! Perhaps that will be a Wednesday tast this week.
  • My new recipe last week was: Strawberry (Sugar-free) Freezer Jam... and I will blog about it soon.
  • Every week consists of packinig and cleaning... so for now I won't detail that. Clearing the clutter, and getting rid of a great deal of my belongings. SO FREEING!
  • I found a stained glass course to be held in Hocking Hills next week for $20... very tempting. And would cross an entire item off of my 30x30 list!
  • I checked off "operate an etsy shop" as I've finally posted some items. No sales yet, but there are only 3 things! I'm not ready for a sale, and I'm trying to convince my parents to join in on the fun!
  • I'm basically updating the blog weekly, too. So I crossed that off...
  • Also, David Sedaris is coming to Columbus. In October. When I'll likely be in Jamaica. Do I risk it and buy tickets?!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Three Good Things

Feeling cute at work in chucks with leggings

Fancy cupcakes



Thursday, June 16, 2011

Three Good Things

Haircuts I love.

  Smiley kids.

Lunch treats.